Monday, 14 January 2013

Day 1

I have made it through my first day of the detox.

Despite being woken up twice during the night by a resident of Richmond Hill's car alarm going off (it sounded like someone was blowing a horn in my ear, my whole room was shaking!), I was up at 05.45 to start the detox routine.

I started the day with some Glutamine in water followed by some more water with some Bicarbonate of Soda in water.  I packed up my bag with everything I needed and headed to the gym to do the heavier of the two daily workouts.  Then it was off to work for a long 12 hour day.

For breakfast I had 2 boiled eggs, smoked salmon, a bit of avocado, watercress rocket and spinach salad and some quinoa.  A strange concoction I know but I had to have the palm full of carbs after the weights workout and this is what I had prepared.

As caffeine is banned on the plan I had a liquorice tea at breaktime.  I'm hoping it is a grower as I was not overly keen but I was more than happy replacing my afternoon coffee fix with a peppermint tea.  For lunch I had trout fillet salad which was tasty and I did not feel hungry at any point in the day which was a bonus.

The hardest part of the day was between 16:00 - 19:00 where I was struggling to sit through a long winded CPD session (my attention span is like a gnat at the best of times) and to top it all I had a banging headache. It also did not help that everyone around me were scoffing home-made brownies the school chef had made to ease the pain of a three hour training session after a long day!

I headed home at 19:30 and got straight into the other workout of the day which involved 7 rounds of burpee intervals.  I pushed myself to not fall under 10 burpees in 30 seconds and felt pretty tired by the end!
For dinner I had salmon with broccoli and kale.  

I've actually found the food quite tasty and I had a handful of almonds during the training session which I think I really ate more as a psychological need than a physical one.  The thing I struggled most with was not having a coffee and a brownie during the meeting but I took out my 'thinspiration' photo on my phone and used it to stem off any temptation!

I am now absolutely shattered and I am just waiting for the dishwasher to finish so that I can repack up all my lunch boxes and have clean protein shakers ready for Day 2.

I'm hoping the headaches will subside in the couple of days once the caffeine and sugar have left my body and I am sure that my muscles will ache a little in the morning!!

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